Blogger’s Take Action On October 15

September 29, 2008 at 8:45 pm (Motivation-Inspiration) (, , , , , , )

This is very encouraging when a group of bloggers from all around the world devote time to post about the hurting people in the world.  Perhaps the open and honest comments will attract the right people who can make a difference with their voices and their dollars.

There are several good causes coming up including

Blog Action Day 2008 – Poverty

I believe the chosen day is October 15.

The next call to action is on November 10, 2008 where we will write about refugees.  People are separated when they have to flee their country.  If we have never been in this situation, how could we even imagine the pain involved in something like this.  How can we turn our backs on all the hurt in the world.

Perhaps by taking some time to get involved by using our blogs we can make a difference.  We can visualize our voices reaching the people who can move mountains with their voices.  It takes a start and the people at Blog Catalog have allowed groups that do this.  It starts with one voice and several are joining in.

Please join us.  Share you voice to help humanity.  For more information join us at Blog Catalog.

You can learn more here.

To get free blogs to join in on these worthy causes you can sign up for one at:


Please add your comments here to let me know if you are going to join in any of these campaigns.


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