Today Is Human Rights Day

May 15, 2008 at 12:06 pm (Motivation-Inspiration) ()

Today is a celebration where I work. You might say it is for Human Rights because it is the high school class graduation ceremony tonight where I teach.  YAY.  I wonder at the possiblities each graduate has before them as they go forth into the world.  Now is the time when they are no longer required by law to be anywhere at any time (other than curfew violations).

Some of my students want to go into the Military, some former students already have.  I almost burst into tears when they come back to visit me in their dress uniforms.  They look so grown up and have changed from students who I was hoping I would inspire into young men and women who have chosen to serve our country as best they can.  They join the military because they want to help people.  They do not really want to go to fight in a war, but they want to help the people who suffer as a result of the war, or as a result of the reason for the war.

Sometimes it is difficult to speak of Human Rights without it getting political or violating someone’s opinion of what is Right and what is Wrong.

Life on planet Earth is not ideal.  It is difficult to face that thousands of people still suffer with malnutrition and hunger daily.  Why should this still be happening?  Can’t we end this?  It has been going on forever it seems.  Will it ever end? 

Now we have devestation in China and in the country, or area, that was known as Burma.  Thousands have died in an instant.  Plus the diseases and the effects from the Cyclone and the Earthquake are going to be horrible. 

Each year those of us more fortunate get called on to help those of us less fortunate.  While some of us will continue to act as if nothing is wrong there are still several of us who will donate what we can to help. 

I am lucky that I get to see the generousity of people where I work.  We donate pennies for patients and fill shopping carts up with food to give to homeless shelters.  People donate DVDs to soldiers in Veteran’s Hospitals so they have some relief from the day to day boredom.  I have others who volunteer at homeless shelters. 

Since we have a day to think about the wide area of Human Rights, maybe more and more people will become aware.  Maybe a few more people will take time or some money to support a worthy cause to help someone’s life become a bit better.  I hope we see Helping Humans become a more popular cause in the next year.

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